Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Wild Ride Continues

Another school year approaches and it seems like yesterday that I just graduated from the apprenticeship, although it's been three months now. I must admit it has been a jam-packed quarter of a year! I was honored to be chosen by my JATC as this year's "Outstanding Apprentice", which meant I was given the opportunity to attend the 2011 National Training Institute (NTI) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Once a year, IBEW electricians (who also teach) gather together and open their brains to hone their instructional skills and abilities. It's really quite amazing when you stop and think about it. Our instructors come from working in the field and transform themselves into people who teach others about their trade and livelihood. Most of the people I spoke with at NTI work 40+ hours a week "in the field" and then devote themselves to teach two nights a week throughout the school year. These people are dedicated! Many have been doing it for years and years and what drives them is the sole desire to help others along.

I became lost in a sea of Journeymen and Masters of my field and it felt incredible.

In our classes and workshops, we examined our challenges in the classroom as instructors. Luckily, I had the chance to teach one of my own night classes before NTI began, so I had a brief introduction of what was to come. Teaching is an entirely different aspect of our trade, yet it is one that encompasses all of our collective experiences. As instructors, we draw on examples that occur in the field to aptly illustrate the theories and concepts that are covered in our books. It takes creativity, imagination and humor to keep a class going strong, not to mention the vast depths of knowledge and understanding of the material to be covered. It's challenging and fun.

I met other apprentices who had recently "topped out" and were chosen as their Local Union's "Outstanding Apprentice". We exchanged stories and learned about all the differences between the various geographical regions throughout our National JATCs. It was inspiring to feel a part of something much larger than yourself, working toward common goals and being together in the struggle. (This is a recurring theme I have felt throughout all of my exposure to the organizations behind the electrical industry.) I hope to maintain the connections to these other "newbies" so that we can help one another navigate through all this new territory, together.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Dearest Readers,

I am thankful and grateful and proud to announce that as of June 1st 2011 (that's today), I am no longer an Apprentice Wireman with Local 26 -- my dues receipt now says Journeyman Wireman! What an accomplishment. Looking back, I still remember starting out in this program... the apprehension, the proving of wit and skill, the meeting new people, the not-knowing, the anxiety before a test, the grades, the nights at school that seemed endless sometimes, learning of new terms and words that only make sense to other electricians... and more recent memories... the meeting new people and the long conversations with old friends, the "shop talk", the comparing of notes about this job and that, the extension of skills and knowledge to others just starting out, recognizing that blank look when you say "I need 10 lamps" and finally giving in to say "yes, 10 bulbs". :D

Five years is indeed a long time, but MAN! The satisfaction of finishing is like nothing else. When I bump into fellow apprentices who will be walking across that stage with me on Saturday, there's a little glimmer in our eyes that communicates it all. No need to go on and on, because we all know it deep down inside. We're proud of what we've learned, all that we've been through, and we can all say "It's been a heck of a ride!"

These days at work, I'm still learning: that I must embrace my codebook to size things right the first time; how to balance the energy levels of my crew... motivate when necessary, antagonize for fun, have teaching moments when we can; how not to blow my top when it's really not necessary; how to keep an eye on falling levels of various material that my guys need; how best to prioritize multiple projects that all have very close deadlines. Now that's a far cry from learning to identify: 1/4-20x3/4" bolts, 1/4" fenders, 3/8" flats and the fact that "strut" is also another name for "kindorf" or "C-channel". Yes, we've come a long way!

Congratulations to every one of my peers, and here's a toast to the next chapter!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Nearing the end...

This past Thursday was a monumental moment. I had a chance to see my peers all dressed up, ready and excited to graduate. We even had a mini-reunion with many of my classmates from day school. The school arranged for us to have a pre-gathering where individual and group pictures could be taken and information dispersed. I received a letter that informed me that my "top-out" date is June 1st. That means that I will officially become a Journeyman three days before graduation! On that date, I shall pay the difference in dues at the hall, and I will henceforth receive Journeyman wages. I recently explained to someone what this last raise increase means in layman's terms. Currently, 5th year apprentices are paid approximately $31/hr. As of your top-out date, that jumps to $40/hr. For those unfamiliar with hourly wages, what that translates to is a jump from $60,000/year to $80,000/year. With that kind of income, it pays to be a good, well-trained skilled worker. Many of my fellow apprentices have had the good fortune to buy a house, new vehicles and start a family, even in their mid-twenties! I can not complain either: I've been able to build up a comfortable cushion of emergency fund savings, a personal IRA, an annuity account through the Local, and have maintained the repayment of my student loans and mortgage costs, purchased two used vehicles, and have shaped up an incredible credit score!

These are exciting times.

What makes it all the more exciting is that there are so many opportunities ahead. There is no such thing as feeling like union construction is a "dead-end" job. Not only are there a variety of work responsibilities out in the field, like being a sub-foreman, foreman, service truck electrician, superintendent, project manager, estimator, or company owner, but there's also the behind-the-scenes individuals who work hard to keep everyone moving. The instructors at the school, the administration of the JATC, all the personnel and leadership at the Local Union Hall... the list goes on.

Very exciting times.

When we all gathered in a group for these photographs, I was overwhelmed with a sense of pride and dignity. It was a struggle for many to get through these five years, and yet we made it. Through personal sacrifice and diligence, we stood together, hundreds strong. We congratulated each other and shared a few moments of joy, suited up and posing for the camera. And whether or not others will admit it, I know for a fact I was not alone in feeling that pride in our accomplishments.

Monday, January 17, 2011

EWMC: What is it?

Yesterday, I returned from an annual conference to which I was invited to attend as a delegate from our Local. The Electrical Workers Minority Caucus works throughout the year, through local chapters around the country, to inform the IBEW membership about the goals and achievements of our union. The chapter that Local 26 has set up is called the "Minority Coalition", and it was through this chapter that I had the privilege to be a delegate.

I was amazed at the amount of familiar faces that I saw, mostly from the Women's Conference last year. Additionally, I met my talented brothers and sisters from across the country, ranging from LA to Houston to Long Island, and of course NY. I saw people young and old, apprentices, journeymen and retired members who have remained active. I saw the type of diversity amongst our faces that I dream one day will represent the IBEW on a full scale.

Personally, I made new friends from across our lands who have similar objectives for the well-being of our Union. I have found hundreds of individuals who have different answers, opinions and perspectives that have helped me in my personal struggle and goals. There is a cohesion that exists through a tapestry of wisdom and skills that I feel many of our Local's members don't even know about.

I am also excited to announce that there is a strong effort to promote the cause of our Young Workers in the IBEW. Over the last few months, a few of us at Local 26 have been working on the formation of ARC-DC, Apprentices Reaching our Community. We have learned a great deal about our organization on a grander scale, and have faced challenges and hurdles that are not unique to us alone. If I learned anything from these conferences it is that we are not alone. There is a growing wave of support that exists from the AFL-CIO down through our IBEW and regionally that tells me that solutions can be shared and we can learn from the many successes of our brothers and sisters everywhere.

I am honored to have been a part of something larger than myself. I hope to bring a sense of urgency and pride back to my brethren and share in the insights that have inspired me.