1) "So... how long have you been doing this?" Well, let's see... I started working as an apprentice in February 2006, so WOW! going on 3+ years. Yeah, it's been a while.
2) "How'd you end up doing this kind of work anyway?" This question always gets me. I seriously wonder if any of my male counter-parts get this question at the rate of occurrence that I do. But I suppose that comes with the territory of choosing this line of work as a woman. Alas, c'est la vie. And in order to remain on friendly terms with the drywall guys or the carpenters, or whomever it is that's making conversation, I give the following spiel: Well, I was remodeling my house some years ago, and I happened to be installing some pendant lights when I realized, 'hey, I could get paid to do this. Yeah, I could do this for 8 hours a day, easy.'
In retrospect, I can say the past 3+ years have blasted past. Honestly, I can't even believe that the end of day school shall soon be upon me. (Not to mention another pay grade!!!! Yeah I can't wait for that. Trust me. Counting down the days.) I'm sure I'll miss being able to say to my foreman, "don't forget, I'm not going to be here on Friday!" And I'll definitely miss hearing the typical response, "Wait, weren't you in school last week?" Haha, haha, haha.
Now I'm eagerly awaiting the release of course offerings for journeyman's classes. I know one class for sure I'd like to take: renewable energies. But more on that later.
As a fellow woman - yes - we get asked that question more than most, but I do hear it asked of the guys too, but most of them have a relative in the trade (how boring). Just keep laughing and you'll do fine!