As much practice as we got in the motor control lab at school, and as much as I felt I truly understood those concepts, I must honestly say I did get a little confused trying to interpret the schematics that came with the equipment. Bit by bit however, I did piece it together as best I could, and with just a couple final questions (with some help from Tom Myers) about the override switch inputs, I at least finished wiring the whole thing. Before I get it *hot* you can bet that some preliminary testing shall take place.
I think it's somewhat reassuring that my foreman simply handed me the project and said "I haven't even looked at this in detail yet, so... yeah." Reassuring, in that I suppose he trusts me to get it done. On the other hand, it's also a sort of trial by fire (I hope not literally). I'm just thankful that I have a slew of brains to pick, and plenty of phone numbers to call if ever I need the help. It's not so bad knowing there's this HUGE safety net of people I've met and worked with on the job, not to mention the instructors -- whose lives revolve around us apprentices! Hahahahahahahahaha. Sorry, couldn't help that one.
I don't know if our lives "revolve around the apprentices, but I can tell you its pretty gratifying to read about a student applying some of what she/he has learned here at school. It seems that every once in awhile, the books and stuff come in handy... who would have imagined that?